
Sunday, May 19, 2013

It's Better To Give Than Receive- Homeless Man Gives $250.00 To Charity

From a spiritual perspective it's far better to give than to receive. Most religious and spiritual faiths emphasize the importance of giving to others, either through good deeds or monetary aid.  Acts 20:35 of the King James Version of the Bible says:

I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.
It's even more remarkable when those who have nothing manage to find small ways of giving to others what little they have.  That's what a homeless 77-year-old veteran did. Ed Denst saved up 250 one dollar bills and then donated the lot to the Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Council in Los Angeles. $250.00 might not seem much to some, especially those cynics who believe that since he "didn't lift a finger to get that $250", " giving it away means absolutely nothing," but it does.

KCAL9's Rachel Kim asked Denst, "You could buy meals, you could buy yourself clothes, you could do a lot with that money. Why give it away?"

"Well, because I thought about giving back. (It) makes me feel very good," he said.

Denst, an ex-Marine, said he became homeless after his wife died 23 years ago. He admitted he sold his house and spent all his money.

Denst said he'll continue to give, not just take. He doesn't consider himself a religious man, but he's learning the Lord's prayer.

"Give us this day our daily bread...that is very meaningful to me. I think that is how I have every day," he said.

"What I'm learning is that people are charitable and that should make me thankful."
Kudos to Denst.

Source: CBS

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