
Saturday, March 1, 2008

Freerice.com - Feed The Poor And Learn

Want to increase your vocabulary while doing something charitable? Then check out freerice.com, a wonderful website that donates 20 grains of rice to the U.N.'s World Food Programme for each word definition that you get right.

Freerice.com is a non profit organization which is affiliated with the world poverty site: poverty.com. The free rice is provided through the sponsorship of advertisers.

Freerice.com believes:

Learning new vocabulary has tremendous benefits. It can help you:

-Formulate your ideas better
-Write better papers, emails and business letters
-Speak more precisely and persuasively
-Comprehend more of what you read
-Read faster because you comprehend better
-Get better grades in high school, college and graduate school
-Score higher on tests like the SAT, GRE, LSAT and GMAT
-Perform better at job interviews and conferences
-Sell yourself, your services, and your products better
-Be more effective and
successful at your job

After you have done FreeRice for a couple of days, you may notice an odd phenomenon. Words that you have never consciously used before will begin to pop into your head while you are speaking or writing. You
will feel yourself using and knowing more words.

This is a great way to help end hunger while educating yourself and having fun, at the same time.

Go have fun and feed the hungry.


Incognito said...

thanks Heather...
felt I needed to post about it after a good friend told me about it and then I happened to run across it in my veggie times.

Incognito said...

Thank you Bluesky! will def. check it out.